Bedfordshire Honey


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Bedfordshire Honey

Beekeeper Helen Vaughan has been keeping bees for over 10 years. Her
hives are situated in apiaries around North Bedfordshire. Her honey is natural,
straight from the hive and only warmed slightly to aid bottling.
The main sources of forage for the bees are oilseed rape (the bright yellow fields
in spring), field bean, hedgerows and gardens. The runny and set honey is a
blend of these crops but they do have different flavours depending on the time of
year they are collected. Sometimes the bees are lucky enough to be near a
borage crop; borage has blue flowers in July and its seed is used for medicinal
purposes, the honey from borage has a mild flavour and very light colour.
Honey is a natural sugar and is eaten increasingly by health-conscious people
and can be used to replace conventional sugar in many situations. Some hay
fever sufferers find that regularly eating local honey helps to reduce their hay
fever symptoms.
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