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The origins of the Epoisses can be found at the Abbaye de Citeaux. It’s there that the monks first produced this remarkably complicated cheese. We are told that Napoleon was partial to this cheese and ate it with Chambertin wine. It was very popular in the early part of the twentieth century but disappeared during the second world war. It was only in 1946 that two local Bourguignon families started to produce it. The well known Epicurean Brillat Savarin called it the King of cheeses. Many people consider it one of the most interesting French cheeses. It is often compared to the character of two well known French historic personalities, the Epoisses has the force of Charles le Temeraire and the sensibility of Madame de Sevigne. The cheese has a powerful rich flavour with a pungent smell, the pate, a mouth-watering taste of sweet, salty and creamy milk flavours. The pate is fine-textured. The rind is regularly washed in Marc, this adds to its complexity and fascinating taste.

An absolute Bedford Cheese company favourite!


Ingredients: Cow’s Milk

Allergens: Milk

Pasteurised/UnPasteurised: Pasteurised

Dietary: Not Vegetarian


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